What is the Sierra Peak Section?

My son, Wes, navigating the Airy Traverse on Dragon Peak

In 1955, the Sierra Club created a list of notable High Sierra peaks. Over the years the list evolved to include 247 peaks and is commonly known as the Sierra Peak Section. The list is made of 15 Emblem Peaks, considered to be the most iconic peaks, 35 Mountaineers Peaks, noted for technical or scrambling challenges, and 197 general peaks. Those that pursue the task of climbing these peaks are often called peak baggers, and count myself among them. 

I hope to finish the Sierra Peak Section list by the time I am 75, but it may take me until 90 at a pace I’ve been going over the past few years. I’m hold this goal loosely :) 

For me, pursuing the list commits me to staying in great aerobic condition all year round – for the next 20 years. Aging well takes a lot of work, and this endeavor has become the foundation of this effort for me.
That said, the real reason for my pursuit is that I am I have fallen hopelessly in love with the Sierras. When I am exploring that Range of Light, I feel fully alive and fully connected to the people in my life –  and to my Creator. For me, the High Sierras have become the place I temporarily retreat to so I can get my head straight and get back in the game. I always seem to come back a better version of myself. What about you?