What is the Purpose of Adventure?

When asked why he climbed Everest, George Mallory famously replied, “Because it was there.” The quote made headlines worldwide and became a trademark statement among mountaineers for generations. Not to minimize Mallory’s achievement, but this is one of the most moronic statements ever made.

Death Valley’s Telescope Peak

When we got to the summit, we could see 100 miles in every direction. Unfortunately, the wind was gusting hard and the temperature was still close to 35 degrees. We spent 10 minutes up there enjoying the view, shot a little video, then headed back down to warmer temps.

Angel’s Landing in Zion National Park

I had been planning a trip to Zion for a while. I had wanted to go for a while, but I just couldn’t get the time. I thought it was a lot further away than it was, but I realized it was only six hours from the house, which is pretty close. Believe it or […]

Climbing and Falling in Holcomb Valley

In my 20s, I went climbing with my brother; we did some top rope. It was really fun but we didn’t get that far. Years went by, I stopped climbing, got a little fat, kids left home, and I was hiking so much I thought, “Man, I want to push a little harder up the […]

A Breathtaking Sunset on the Summit of Haleakala

Bec and I were on Maui for our 30th anniversary. The last time we were in Hawaii was a cruise for our 20th anniversary. We always thought we’d be back sooner because, after that first trip, we just fell in love with the place. We spent a lot of time snorkeling, any place we could […]

32-hour Solo Trip to Mount Langley

The Mount Langley summit tops out at 14,026 feet with a total mileage of 18.5 miles out and back. At an elevation gain of only 4,652 feet, this was well within my fitness level to tackle as an overnight trip. Game on.

6 Days and 80 miles on the High Sierra Trail

For many, the 220-mile long John Muir Trail, which runs north to south across the Sierra Nevada, represents the quintessential backcountry hike. While this trail was on our radar, we thought the High Sierra Trail would be a good way to ease into the behemoth JMT. The shorter, 72-mile High Sierra Trail runs west to east across the Sierras and can be done in six to ten days.

My Mount Rainier Adventure

I had hiked Mount Whitney a few times, but Rainier was a completely different kind of climb. Mount Whitney and Mount Rainier are close to the same altitude. The big difference between the two is that Rainier is covered with glaciers, giant moving snowfields that are hundreds of feet thick. They are very different mountains.

Good Morning Bryan, This is Your Wake Up Call

On Tuesday, July 2, 2013, about 10 am, I got a wake up call. At the time, it was more like a waking nightmare. I had just sat down for an impromptu strategy meeting with two colleagues to brainstorm for a marketing campaign. Someone asked me a question, but when I tried to answer, only murmuring sounds escaped my mouth. Then I began to lose vision in my right eye. Thirty seconds passed, and I still couldn’t speak.

Momyer Creek to San Gorgonio Peak

I usually take Vivian Creek Trail, which is an 18.5 miles roundtrip with a 6,500-foot elevation gain. Momyer is quite a bit further and with more elevation gain. We wanted to do a loop, so we figured we’d start up Momyer and come down Vivian Creek, making a 25-mile round trip.